Spirits of the Passage:
The Transatlantic Slave Trade
This exhibit provides an overview of the Transatlantic Slave Trade and examines Florida's unique role within it.
Sample Educational Materials

Sample Interactive
LA. Read and interpret informational text and organize information
LAFS.4.RI.1.3: Explain events, procedures, or concepts in historical, scientific, or technical texts
LAFS.68.RH.2.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/ social studies
LAFS.68.RH.3: Integrate visual information with other information in print and digital texts
LAFS.910.RH.2.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary describing political, social, or economic aspects of history/ social science
SS.4.A.3.7: Identify nations that controlled Florida before it became a United States territory
SS.6.G.1.1: Use latitude and longitude to understand the relationship between people and places on the Earth
SS.6.G.1.5: Use scale, cardinal direction, and intermediate directions and estimation of distances between places on current and ancient maps of the world
SS.6.G.1.6: Use a map to identify major bodies of water of the world, and explain ways they have impacted the development of major civilizations
SS.8.A.1.2: Analyze charts, graphs, maps, photographs and timelines
SS.8.A.1.7: View historic events through the eyes of those who were there as shown in their art, writings, music, and artifacts
SS.912.A.1.1: Describe the importance of historiography. which includes how historical knowledge is obtained and transmitted, when interpreting events in history
SS.912.A.1.4: Analyze how images, symbols, objects, graphs, charts, maps, and artwork may be used to interpret time periods and events from the past
SS.912.H.2.3: Apply various types of critical analysis to work in the arts, including types and uses of symbolism
SS.912.W.4.14: Recognize the practice of slavery and other forms of forced labor experienced during the 13th through 17th centuries.