Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Virtual Pop Up Museum?
Host schools can choose to host the familiar physical stand and banner version of the Pop Up Museum and/ or the new virtual exhibit of the Pop Up Museum. Some of our most recent Virtual Pop Up Museums include slideshow versions that can be shared online with students. They include slideshows for each of the eight panels and fillable PDF worksheets. We hope that you find these materials helpful in sharing the Pop Up Museum with your students and we welcome any feedback or suggestions you have to improve this new feature.
How much does it cost to host a Pop Up Museum at my school?
The current Pop Up Museum is FREE to host for one month (approximately 3 weeks of display time, with 1 week spent in shipping to and from each school). All shipping costs by FedEx Ground are prepaid.*** To keep the cost of shipping as low as possible, each school forwards the Pop Up Museum directly on to the next school.
Previous Pop Up Museums can be hosted for a $150 Shipping & Handling fee.
Why are there no artifacts included with the Pop Up Museum?
Original artifacts are too delicate and rare to be handled outside of a museum environment. High quality replicas are very expensive and likely to get lost or broken. We are currently working to create digital 3D models that can be viewed and even rotated and magnified on a tablet or computer. In the future, we hope to provide 3D printed and hand-painted artifact replicas, but the cost is prohibitive at the moment. If you have an idea for how to help make 3D artifacts happen, please-- get in touch with us at education@mfmm.org.
Click and drag the image to rotate 3D model
What grade levels are the Pop Up Museums designed for?
We are constantly looking to find ways to make the Pop Ups accessible for multiple age groups. We base the level of the main text on the best grade fit to Florida Standards of the subjects covered. We include links to videos and online interactives for both younger and older grade levels. The companion materials include vocabulary worksheets, art explorations, math activities, and essay questions. Elementary, middle, and high school hosts have all utilized the Pop Up Museums successfully in their classrooms or media centers.
What if the Pop Up Museum gets damaged in shipping or at my school?
We understand that damages occur. We expect hosts to open the Pop Up Museum as soon as it arrives so that any damages from shipping can be noted immediately. Depending on the type of damage, we may either send you a replacement part or a new set. If the exhibit is damaged at your school, please let us know as soon as possible by emailing us at education@mfmm.org. We will make arrangements for repairs or replacements for the next school.
What are my responsibilities as a Pop Up Museum host?
All hosts must complete a Letter of Agreement form to:
Display the Pop Up Museum in a safe, dry location out of direct sunlight
Follow the packing instructions carefully
Ship the exhibit on to the next school by the end of the host month using the prepaid shipping label and scheduled pickup date
Submit at least one photo of students exploring the Pop Up Museum
Complete and submit a short Host Survey feedback form
Why do you need a photo of the Pop Up Museum in our school?
We use the photos to fulfill grant requirements which enable us to provide one current Pop Up Museum to you FREE for one month! The grant covers the shipping and handling costs for one year. Your photos provide the grant agency with evidence of how the exhibits are being enjoyed and utilized.
Why do previous years exhibits have a shipping and handling fee?
Each Pop Up Museum project is funded for one year through a generous grant from the Florida Department of State Division of Historical Resources. After that, we work hard to maintain the previous Pop Up Museum exhibits in good condition and ready for hosting, but fabrication, maintenance, updating, shipping, and handling costs are no longer covered by the grant agency.