Pop Up Museums
Mel Fisher Maritime Museum presents
for Florida Schools

The Bermuda Triangle:
Urban Legend or Maritime Mystery?
The Caribbean, with its unpredictable weather, dangerous currents, and hidden reefs has been the site of many unexplained ship and plane disappearances over the centuries. However, after a Miami newspaper man wrote a news article in 1950 that showed many of the missing vessels were last seen in an area formed by connecting South Florida, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico, the mysterious "Bermuda Triangle” captured the attention of audiences across the world. But was it fact or fantasy? Use your critical thinking skills to investigate this media mystery for yourself!
The Pop Up Museum includes:
8 individual 33" x 72" free-standing exhibit panels and stands
Approximately three weeks of display time per host reservation
Prepaid FedEx Ground shipping labels and pickup
Links to online content
Companion print learning resources
Please note: Reservations are not final until we have confirmed your reservation by email.

Related Florida Benchmarks
SS.1.G.1.5: Locate on maps and globes the student's local community, Florida, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Gulf of Mexico.
SS.2.A.2.1: Recognize that Native Americans were the first inhabitants in North America.
SS.2.A.2.3: Describe the impact of immigrants on the Native Americans.
SS.3.G.2.5: Identify natural and man-made landmarks in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean.
SS.4.A.1.2: Synthesize information related to Florida history through print and electronic media.
SS.4.A.3.2: Describe causes and effects of European colonization on the Native American tribes of Florida.
SS.4.A.9.1: Utilize timelines to sequence key events in Florida history.
SS.5.A.1.1: Use primary and secondary sources to understand history.
SS.6.G.1.5: Use scale, cardinal direction, and intermediate directions and estimation of distances between places on current and ancient maps of the world.
SS.6.G.1.6: Use a map to identify major bodies of water of the world, and explain ways they have impacted the development of major civilizations.
SS.6.G.5.2: Use geographic terms and tools to explain why ancient civilizations developed networks of highways, waterways, and other transportation linkages.
SS.6.W.1.1: Use timelines to identify chronological order of historical events.
SS.8.A.1.2: Analyze charts, graphs, maps, photographs, and timelines.
SS.8.A.1.7: View historic events through the eyes of those who were there as shown in their art, writings, music, and artifacts.
SS.912.A.1.1: Describe the importance of historiography (how historical knowledge is obtained and transmitted) when interpreting events in history.
SS.912.A.1.3: Utilize timelines to identify the time sequence of historical data.
SS.912.A.1.4: Analyze how images, symbols, objects, graphs, charts, maps, and artwork may be used to interpret time periods and events from the past.
SS.912.W.1.1: Use timelines to establish cause and effect relationships of historical events.